क्या मुझसे मिलने आयी हो?

क्या मुझसे मिलने आयी हो? कह दो ना तुम, एक बार के लिए ही सही, बस कह दो कि तुम मुझसे मिलने आयी हो, सच कहता हूं, कोई और कारण रोक नहीं पाएगा मुझे, तुमसे मिलने से, बस तुम एक बार कह दो कि तुम मुझसे मिलने आयी हो। सच कहता हूं, अब मुझे फर्कContinue reading “क्या मुझसे मिलने आयी हो?”

Loving someone is difficult!

Its like hamering the heart, Freezing of sensation, Barking of mind and fighting with hooligan heart. We love, and we expect to be loved back. When we don’t get the much-expeected in bonding, Out involvement gives us pain! We care, we yearn, we wait, We spend every second of our life, Thinking about that oneContinue reading “Loving someone is difficult!”


I’m suffering through headache, Or let me say my mind is the one going through the  pain. The pain goes down through my heart, rips through my rib cages. It just crushed my body all oviously… The pain of having to think about you 24/7. The pain of wondering what else thing are you doing.Continue reading “Headache”

Having best birthday ever!!!

You’re a real sweetheart. You’re a spoonful of sugar, a drop of syrup and a dot of honey, Have the sweetest birthday ever!!!! This is a virtual hug and a kiss for your birthday, in the form of the lovely Poetry for you. Here’s wishing that you get the warmest hugs and kisses from friendsContinue reading “Having best birthday ever!!!”


But regardless of how quickly you left,  or how much time we spent together,  or whether your leaving was bad enough to be considered ‘heartbreak,’  I’m glad you taught me what love isn’t.  Because it helped me finding the love , which I expecting from you.  Even though it hurt, but your leaving must  led meContinue reading “ThErAuPtIc…LoVe-VIII”


And the question I ask myself a lot is, if I barely even knew you, why did it hurt so badly when you left? That’s why I don’t like remembering you, because every time I think of you, Unwillingly my mind think of how you hurt me, Can you change this?? What…….if yess, Then pleaseContinue reading “ThErAuPtIc…LoVe-VII”


I barely even knew you so when I remember you, I shouldn’t be so sour. I’m not one to harbor always positive feelings, but I think if there’s any positivity within me most of it is harbored with you. And that’s the thing, I even i don’t know  , because you came into my lifeContinue reading “ThErAuPtIc…LoVe-VI”


I barely even knew you, so you really shouldn’t matter. I shouldn’t do a double-take every time someone who looks like you sits across from me on the metro. I shouldn’t be worrying about what will happen if I run into you when I visit a part of the colony I know you frequent. YourContinue reading “ThErAuPtIc…LoVe-V”


I barely even knew you, so why is every memory of you and I together stained with regret? Why can’t I just completely forget you? How the hell do you find your way back in? I wish I were more like those little ant traps you stick around the house. The ants flock in onlyContinue reading “ThErAuPtIc…LoVe-IV”

Pistol like "Heart"

The day started out like any other, I was completely unaware about what was to happen, I entered the room and looked around, When I saw you,i felt my heart shudder. Everyone else just melted away, Until there was only you and me in the situation, I could feel my heart beating in my chest,Continue reading “Pistol like "Heart"”

Is U Turn in Ur Breathe?

Ur breathe My breathe Ur life My life. Shining of sun Glomming of moon Cacaphony of sewage Melody of waves. Ur attitude seems to be tide, Collapse you or me without ur excide. &_Keshav Sawarn © 2017 LoSeAcTiOn All rights reserved. 

In the FOGG

You have my soul captured , I dungeoned your heart and mind utopically , This is rational and loved , It’s a prison i accepted , But not by you,   It’s not a love story , According to you, But makes senses for me, It’s a story of imprisoned notions ,  It’s a sonnetContinue reading “In the FOGG”

Your Smile

I love the way you are smiling, Not because you are my Feeling, When you are smiling, Your lipsy lips start fluttering, Your killer nose starts killing, Your devining ear stops working for little time, And what about your blommy cheeks? Made me like bees hovering over the immune trigger, Your hair plays such aContinue reading “Your Smile”